117 North Court St. Lake Village, AR 71653 870-265-5321
Farm and Ranch
In the past few decades farming has evolved into a completely different business than the farming our predecessors could have imagined. Technological advances in machinery, chemicals, and seed have revolutionized the family farm from what it was just a few short years ago. Has your insurance program kept pace with the changes?
We represent many different companies who specialize in insuring farm and ranch business. Their products are constantly evolving to provide the best coverage available for the ever changing exposures on your farm.
You owe it to your farming operation to know that your exposures are being addressed by true farm and ranch insurance professionals and insurance companies who understand the coverages you require to protect your valuable assets. Don’t treat your insurance program as just another input and look for the cheapest price as this approach usually doesn’t provide the best coverage value for your premium dollars.
Commercial Insurance
Any business, regardless of its scope possesses an inherent amount of risk. At Cottonland Insurance we are able to advise our customers on the best methods to address those risks. While most agencies concentrate solely on insurance coverages, that is only a portion of the total cost of risk to a business.
We are able to create a custom tailored risk management program for your operation. After thoroughly reviewing your current program of financial protection and your operation, we are able to then sit down with our customer to determine their appetite for risk. Only then are we able to structure an insurance program that coincides with their risk retention abilities.
Utilizing the following insurance products allows for a stable foundation for your risk management program.
• Commercial Property – including special business property coverage for high-value risks
• Commercial General Liability – including employment practices liability, cyber liability and more.
• Professional Liability – including coverage for engineers, accountants and other professionals.
• Commercial Auto – including coverage for Hired and Non-Owned exposures
• Worker’s Compensation
• Commercial Umbrella
Crop Insurance
The Federal Crop Insurance Program is a fundamental source of protection for today’s farmers. With many changes in the Farm Bill and farming in the past few years, farmers owe it to themselves to take a close look at how their crop insurance program could compliment their overall risk management strategy.
The crop insurance program is always changing and evolving. From revenue protection to yield protection on the Multi-Peril Crop Insurance side, to private products such as hail, wind, open boll and replant coverage. You can rest assured we will have the crop insurance tools to assist you in protecting your valuable crop.
We have partnered with financially stable companies to provide knowledgeable underwriting as well as prompt, professional claims handling. We strive to provide a high level of service and to stay abreast of current changes to the program so that you can know how they will affect you.
Agricultural Land Owners
As a landowner, you own a very valuable asset. When this asset is leased to others, you are increasing your risk based on your tenant’s operations. Their negligence could possibly result in a claim presented to you as the landowner.
We fully understand and are experienced in the agricultural insurance arena and our experience and knowledge of this unique industry allows us to better structure a risk management program than most agents. We evaluate your exposures as the landowner as well as your tenant’s operations in order to determine if those operations present any unique exposure that need to be addressed specifically.
Utilizing both insurance products as well as various types of contractual risk transfer, we are able to structure a sound program to protect your interests. Our unique understanding of the marketplace allows us to stay abreast of various changes and how they might impact you.
Tracking and monitoring Certificates of Insurance from your tenants is always a daunting task for most landowners. We are fully capable of tracking these as well as reviewing them to make certain that they adequately conform to the requirement set forth in your lease agreement.
After reviewing your current lease agreement we are able to make recommendations for methods that actually reduce your overall risk level. Whether you are a large institutional landowner or a private individual, Cottonland Insurance is able to effectively handle your exposures regardless of size.
Life and Health Insurance
The importance of a solid Life and Health insurance program is crucial for the financial security of any family. Whether it be for $50,000 coverage or $50,000,000 coverage, the seriousness is still the same. Typically used for both basic protection and estate planning, this method of personal risk management is one that is crucial for the protection of your family members and future generations.
As a licensed insurance consultant, Michael George is able to provide customized risk management services to your organization regardless of its size. From complete coverage review and analysis to bid management, the services provided result in a complete understanding of your insurance and risk management program.
As a consultant, we are able to provide you with a complete and concise understanding of your insurance program, highlight any gaps in coverages or uninsured exposures present and provide you with methods to both address and mitigate those exposures that have previously gone un-addressed. Additionally we are able to track and review Certificates of Insurance you require from any tenants or sub contractors. This can be a very time consuming task for someone not experienced in the industry and often one left un-addressed.
Feel free to contact us to discuss your particular needs and we will be glad review our available services with you.